A few more words about us
So, you already know that we think about solving your problem almost around the clock, because we practically do not part with each other. You also know about the advantages of working with us by reading all this information on the site’s main page.
But, in fact, no one will ever say anything bad about themselves; this is probably the law of our life and of commerce in particular. We are no exception here.
So you need to work with us to understand how good we really are. You will not be disappointed!!!
And now let us introduce ourselves:

A certified appraiser, forensic expert, a post-graduate with the thesis topic “State Legal Regulation of a Trademark, Appellation of Origin and Geographical Indication in Russia – the Constitutional Aspect”

Pavel Beresnev
Graduated from the Penza State University with a degree in law (civil law and civil procedure).
I have been practicing my specialty since 2004. Since 2005, I have been working “for myself”, i.e. with my “own” clients. I have been working in the field of intellectual property (trademarks, copyrights, patents) since 2013.
- Judicial protection of intellectual property
- Registration of inventions, utility models, and industrial designs
- The Chamber for Patent Disputes, the Federal Antimonopoly Service
- Drafting and legal analysis of agreements in the field of IP
- Intellectual property evaluation and forensics
Oksana Beresneva
Patent attorney of the Russian Federation No. 1493
- Graduated from the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property in 2005
- An analyst in the field of intellectual property rights
- Work in the field of intellectual property since 1998
Specialisation in:
- Patent search, registration and protection of rights to trademarks, appellations of origin
- Protection of copyright objects
- The Chamber for Patent Disputes, the Federal Antimonopoly Service
- Analytics in the field of intellectual property commercialisation
- The Court of Arbitration, the Court of Intellectual Rights

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